What a pleasure it was to speak to Rachel who is a new and upcoming whiskey connoisseur you might have heard about. On Instagram she’s known as @buffalobourbonbabe — which either means she’s a bills fan or likes her whiskey strong, like the winters upstate. Whatever her story might be, we’re giving you a glimpse below.

Why are women more involved in whiskey than ever before?

RG: I don’t think it really is more than ever before” I just feel with the heightened state of social media, it makes it more accessible to see who is enjoying the spirit! I feel like also for a while it was more viewed as a mans drink of choice and everyone just assumed women enjoyed more of the lighter colored spirits as well as wine but really… some of us have been along for the whiskey ride for the long haul and personally i love seeing it and hearing about it!

Women have always been the backbone of the whiskey world, going as far back as the 1700’s where American women were distilling at home, yet most ambassadors forget that women now represent 50% of their demographic. As an influential woman in the whisky world, what would you personally like to see from whiskey brand ambassadors, in terms of targeting more and more women?

RG: In my opinion, i would love to see more female ambassadors as a whole. I attend a lot of events that revolve around the spirits and most of the time the tables are so male dominated that we have such little representation. Then when they do have an “ambassador” at a table, its typically through an agency that knows minimal about the brand and really no passion behind the spirit. Why not employ more females to represent your whiskey? Better yet why not have more female ran events and tastings to really let us shine.

Over the years you must have tasted some amazing bourbon, tell us your top 5 list, at the bottom number 1 being the best.

RG: Ooooof this is a tough one! I feel love over the years I have tried to many amazing spirits and bourbons so narrowing it down… that’s rough. So lets give this a go

  1. Old Bardstown BiB
  2. Barrel Bourbon Seagrass
  3. Stagg JR 15
  4. George T Stagg (17)
  5. Eagle rare (will forever be my love)

As with other spirit influencers, as someone who has a well followed and respectable social media Instagram account, how do you approach the type of information you distribute with your followers?

RG: So, I am huge on not lying to my followers or hyping up a product because it was sent to me for a review, i try to be as transparent and honest as possible. I obviously work in this industry and have for a long time, so sometimes I have a little more insight than i should on subjects, allocations, and releases. I just really try to stay authentic to myself and just try to make it as fun as possible, of course I don’t have the most refined palate nor am i the most educated on bourbon BUT i share what I know and what I can.

Is Whiskey a Passion, a Hobby, or a Way of Life? and… frankly speaking, is there really a difference between the 3 if it’s a way of life. 

RG: Ok this one really speaks to me… If you have watched some of my lives i have done or listened to podcasts, you know I have worked for several different distilleries, some on the national side and some smaller scale. When i was working for them, it kind of destroyed the hobby for me… When you must talk about it all day for work, it’s hard to come home and want to talk about it more. For me is more of a passion, I love the spirit, i love talking about and learning about it and i love meeting likeminded people who feel the same. When it was my entire life, it just kind of ruined it for me… It wasn’t as fun anymore. Maybe this isn’t true to everyone but for me, it was difficult.

How do you think brands, big and small can benefit from being on social media?

RG: I really feel everyone benefits from the exposure of social media now. I can tell you i will see a fellow enthusiast with a bottle and they will describe their tasting notes and I’m like wow i need that! It also helps to grow the brands and not only showcase the spirit, but the story behind it the distillery and who’s behind the still. I love seeing brands grow on here and discovering brands I had no idea existed!

Does being a woman in this industry offer you a competitive advantage?

RG: Yes and no… often i will get downplayed because “you get offered this stuff because you’re an attractive female” which sure maybe… But also, being a female in this industry means sometimes I have more of a connection with other females who maybe own a liquor store, a distillery or even who are brand managers. I pride myself on the fact that i built myself from the ground up and now currently am running a distillery of my own (Lockhouse which i have mentioned previously on IG) which has been a dream come true. People will forever say what they want to about being a female in a male dominated industry, but truth be told, I love proving people wrong and being able to have those educated conversations about spirits and the industry.

If you were a food, what would you be?

RG: I would totally be a spicy tuna roll… no wasabi with a little soy sauce.

When you’re not on social media… we can find you where and doing what?

RG: I love spinning – a lot of times i will post little clips from my spin classes on my IG story. I am such a bundle of energy all the time that it’s nice to have that outlet to focus all of it into… That or i read a LOT, I have been reading about 4 books a month (as a goal) because I think it’s really important to step away from your laptop and cellphone and really just focus on something that’s mindless and indulging.

Do you still get the whole “Wow, you’re a woman who likes whiskey!?” And are you totally sick of it?

RG: Oh geesh… I try not to get sick of it lol but more, so I get the “wow you’re tattooed, work out daily AND like whiskey” yup that’s me in a nutshell. I usually just say yup! Then I’m on my merry way. It’s 2022, woman love whiskey, get with it. haha

2020 was rough, 2021 a little better, what’s in store for 2022? Anything special on the horizon?

RG: I have been approached by a lot of distilleries as well as local restaurants and bars about hosting whiskey tastings and seminars which has been cool! A local cigar retailer just sponsored me so i will be doing a whole lot with them coming up and featured at their booth at our whiskey riot this month (again kind of a shock to me!). but other than that, just working on expanding my own brand as well as my distillery and traveling a heck of a lot more (which is exciting to me!) to grow the market for Lockhouse and also selfishly try other spirits along the way.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

RG: One thing I always always, ALWAYS tell people is bourbon is meant to be enjoyed the way YOU want to enjoy it! If that is on the rocks, neat, in a cocktail, do YOU. Never let anyone make you feel bad about the bourbons you love and hell if you love a $20 bottle, great! If you love a $200, I’m happy for ya! Don’t ever let anyone take that passion away from you. Be authentic to yourself and enjoy whatever you want, however you want.


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