Beer and football go so well together, and now that football is over and the Chiefs are world champs, all we have is beer. Today we bring you the interview with Jenny behind @MsBeerCraft account. Read her full interview below:

Jenny, could you introduce yourself and briefly describe your Instagram account — what’s your focus and the reason you started it? Do you see this as a business, a hobby, or something in between?

JM: I’m Jenny, known as MsBeerCraft on Instagram. I started my account 7 years ago to focus on beer education as I was studying for Cicerone program. I was a homebrewer, loved the beauty of making beers at home- and the at the time, it was to keep track of what I was drinking AND learning! These days, it is still for education….and, keeping beer fun. I’m a Certified Cicerone, and enjoy geeking out over pairings, science, and styles of beer…. but, let’s be honest, it’s just great to drink (or shotgun) with friends.

Let’s talk beer. The beer craft industry seems to be growing exponentially with so many great expressions being released all the time. What are your favorite characteristics or profiles when it comes to beer specifically? What about the beverage draws you in?

JM: It’s the people. Beer is such a social beverage. The way it’s made, where breweries are built, the folks that run them, the people and communities supporting them. Beer drew me in originally as a science. I was mesmerized by the flavors profiles each individual ingredient had to offer, the chemical reactions, the time and patience. These days, I appreciate the time & challenge, and delicate profiles a fine lager has to offer. Like, a well-made Helles Lager- The crackery maltiness. The brilliant gold. The effervescence. The aroma of noble hops. I’m in heaven.

What advice would you give craft beer distilleries or beer companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brand’s image? 

JM: For one it’s a great way to connect with like-minded folks and create fans across the country- even fans that have YET to even taste the beer you make. THIS, is how the best #Beercations are built! Reach out & connect!

From your perspective what draws the followers to your photos?

JM: I love representing what is happening in the San Diego Beer world. And a lot of what I represent, is right here, in the #sdbeer community. From judging beers, to new beer releases, beer fests, to photographing beer (my full-time job is product & lifestyle photographer for businesses and social media management). My page is mostly support our San Diego beer scene, hiking adventures, local businesses & beer education…. and doing ridiculous and goofy stuff like “Dronies” on train trestles, and drinking outta boots, and stein holding with an Olympian javelin thrower.

Do you have a presence on other social channels and how do those differ to Instagram, in your approach to them and your experience there?

JM: I have started a YouTube channel this past year. However, I starting using IGTV to really get it out to Instagram friends. It’s pretty much me chatting with folks. From people in the beer community to an Olympian or musician. It’s a light, fun, educational take on craftbeer. This year, the big focus is getting in touch with folks I’ve known or met on Instagram and meeting up to have a pint with them! #pintsin2020

If you could collab with any brand, who would it be and why?

JM: I’m gonna be a fan girl and say Sierra Nevada!!! They are a brilliant brand. Beautiful beers, beautiful marketing & outdoor imagery. Not to mention what they do for their community and beyond. I met Ken Grossman once, like 5 years ago, I nerded out.

The greatest lesson you’ve learned in business is…

JM: Number One:  Listen.  Giving folks the time of day, letting them communicate their needs, is gold. I work in making folks visions, ideas, come to life, listening is important. Plus, you may learn something from them along the way;)

Number Two: It’s okay to fail. Just try again. Make those necessary tweaks. And make it happen.

Number Three: Gratitude. Practice it every day. Appreciate every single person that chooses to work with you. Thank your loved ones and those that choose to support your goals.

How has your Instagram feed evolved over time? Any specific turning points?

JM: I’ve always been pretty beer nerdy. And goofy. A turning point was realizing I could help inform folks about the San Diego Beer scene. Even local businesses here. If I can help support my San Diego community by letting folks know about a beer release or event happening, that’s a win!  My IG, went from all beer to really focusing on supporting SDBeer, and some outside breweries as well!

How often do you take a break from social media to recharge?

JM: I hike. A lot. I recharge. I regroup. The best is when you hike in an area with no cell reception! Mother Nature truly recharges me.

What is your stance on influencers being paid to post about brands? Should influencers be transparent regarding payment for posts?

JM: If you are working anywhere, for any company, I assume you are getting paid, as an employee/contractor. Influencers tend to work the same way. Influencers & businesses seek one another out. It’s a very symbiotic relationship. Working together, they can choose their own terms, work together, and spread the word of a company’s brand or product. That being said- it’s very similar to any actor/model/sportsperson that is hired to advertise a new perfume, shoe, handbag, cooking gadget, on television, they were also paid to represent that brand/product. Influencing, has become a job for a lot of folks. A lot of us turn to these folks for information, product reviews, recommendations. And, I believe, today’s audience is smart enough to see through the noise. Keeping your partnerships genuine & authentic is more important than the transparency of payment.

On a personal note, what are some of the most important things in your life?

JM: My family. I have an amazing partner in life. We are so lucky. I love watching our kids grow into amazing humans. Teaching them to be good people. Doing rad fun stuff with them. We have Nerf wars every other evening. Dance parties in our photography studio. We visit National Parks in our Sprinter Van. Even math homework and making dinner with them rocks. These are the most important things in my life.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

JM: Steve Martin. Bango playing, book/script writing, stage performing, funny man- he said it best: “be so good they can’t ignore you”

Any last words?

JM: Let’s grab a pint.


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