Influencer marketing continues to grow, with brands investing more and more in influencer partnerships each day. Through these partnerships, brands and their agency partners can select brand-aligned influencers to market products and services to loyal followings with targeted demographics. They give word-of-mouth validation and often lead to engagement and follower spikes on brands’ social pages. We sat down with Amanda aka @Drinkbeerbehoppy and spoke about how brands can utilize relationships with micro-influencers.

We’d love to hear about how your passion for beer came about. Everyone has a different story, what’s yours? Give us a little background on how Drink Beer Be Hoppy came about. 

AC: Two years ago, if I asked any given friend to name their FAVORITE beer, I’d get Lemon Shandy, Corona or Shock Top. And while, there was nothing wrong with their answers, these were solid beers indeed, they weren’t by any means GOOOD beers. But it’s not like my friends had bad taste or anything, they just had not experienced quality beer like I had or at least not to the same extent. Their available selection was limited to what was in the “craft beer” section at our local grocery store (don’t even get me started on what was available at our local liquor stores). At this point, I had already claimed mine over 100 different brewery visits and that number was growing exponentially. Regularly trying every single offering available per visit. Yes, you read that right… Every. Single. Beer.

To put it into perspective and to keep the math simple, a regular beer flight is often made up of 5, 4oz pours and an average brewery will have about 10-12 available beers to try. After 4 pours, you’ve down a pint. By the time you work your way through the full menu, you’ve down at least 3 pints.  By opting for flights vs full pours, I had the amazing opportunity to compare and contrast instantly. I learned what I liked and didn’t like almost right away, but most importantly (and ultimately the catalyst of my passion) I learned how phenomenally great beer can taste and, unfortunately, how horribly they can get.

Fun fact: the largest flight I got was at Russian River Brewing out in Santa Rosa, Ca- 19 different brews! 2.5 oz. pours and a drinking partner made it a little easier to complete but still a massive feat.

Why did you start Drink Beer Be Hoppy on IG? Is it a FT gig or on the side project? 

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “beer is an acquired taste” and goddamn have I acquired it! Regular beer no longer tastes the same. My once precious Blue Moon now full of disappointment. I used to visit local “craft beer bars” for relief only to be left with the same 5 IPAs you’d find anywhere. Reluctantly, I made my way through the available rotation as I sat and wondered if there were others out there who, like me, demanded higher quality beer and refused to drink our dad’s beer. Luckily, a friend of mine keyed me into the idea of starting an IG page dedicated to my love of beer. At first I fought not wanting to put myself out there, eventually I caved and found what I was looking for, what I was missing- mutual interest.

I have a full-time career in an industry that, sadly, has nothing to do with beer and so this page has evolved into an outlet for me, a source of relief, entertainment and connection all wrapped into one. A way for me to completely just nerd out about beer- a passion project!

What advice would you give craft beer breweries or beer companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brand’s image? Would you give the same advice to craft brewers as you would to the established players in this market?

AC: IG is a visual platform. Tell your story through pictures. Make people crave your beer. Show off your beertenders, after all, these are the faces people will see when they visit your brewery! Utilize all the great features Instagram has to offer- stories, IG TV, etc. Start slow and let things happen organically. Ask yourself: “What makes me different and why should people follow my page?”

As for the established accounts- I’d say don’t ignore the little guy. Every follower is important. It feels unbelievable amazing when I have a brewery like or leave a comment on my post after I tag them. And a repost makes my week!

What is your stance on influencers being paid to post about brands? Should influencers be transparent regarding payment for posts?

AC: Honesty and transparency is vital in earning respect. Therefore, I believe being forthright about a paid post especially if there is an opinion behind the product quality is crucial in maintaining integrity.

When I got my first DM asking for brewery recommendations, I was so flattered! I poured my heart out. A few days later, I got a message from the same person telling me about their trip and how they had a great time at one of the breweries I had recommended and how much they appreciated my help. Boy did that make me feel amazing!

Then I got asked again.

And then more and more regularly and it hit me: my opinions matter to others.

I vowed I’d be as honest as I could, but even more so when it’s a sponsored post.

How do you think the rise of influencer accounts on Instagram has impacted on the way that people discover restaurants/beers/bars/food?

AC: In a lot of ways, IG has become a search engine of sorts. Looking for a new outfit? You search IG. Looking for THE place to have a beer? You search my account. Looking for a cool place to eat? Well, you get the point.

The only problem is when you go to search, it can be a challenge. Unless you are already following an account, it can be difficult to discover new places to try. Without the ability to filter searches you’ll find the easiest way find what you are looking for is through recommendation.

And I don’t know about you but I feel 100 times more comfortable asking someone I know for a suggestion than I do searching Google.

IG has a way of making you feel connected to those who you follow. I mean, behind every account is an actual person. And often times, those people are sharing intimate details about their life. And so you get to know them and feel connected.

And it’s not far fetched to genuinely consider going to the restaurant/beers/bar/foods that they go to or suggest, because you trust them.

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential for success?

AC: Being genuine and resilient.

What do you wish brands knew before approaching you on Instagram?

AC: I’m super flexible and easy to work with. I love to post creative content that puts your product/service front and center instead of it just being a part of a picture. My goal is for it to shine and be known. I also excel in fulfilling your desired vision. Whichever your preference, just let me know- I’ll make it work!

On a personal note, what are some of the most important things in your life?

AC: Hands down my dog, Vixie, and my amazing support system.

Vixie is an amazing dog that has overcome a lot. She has taught me to never give up. With hard work and time, things always get better.

And my amazing support system that is my honey, friends and family. Who have embraced my hobby and constantly lift me up.

Anything else you want to share with our readers?

AC: Very much appreciate you for reading this! Feel free to ask me any questions. Have never been one for giving inspirational advice but I will say this: whatever it is, keep at it! Cheers!


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