Everyone has a vice, for some of us its whisky or cigars, or other types of extracurricular activities. But what some of you might not know is that we need to find a balance, a healthy way for our bodies to live up to the playground of your minds. We spoke to Terry who used her weaknesses in her childhood to overcome and become a bad ass power-lifting strong athlete. Follow her on Instagram at @terry_fit24.

Terry when did you realize you wanted to devote your career to fitness?

TT: I think it would have to be the first time I lifted a plate (135lbs) on a dead lift.  I thought I would never be that strong.  And then one day, I did it.  I was hooked from them on to constantly push myself to make the impossible, possible!

Did you have any insecurities and body issues growing up?

TT: I did, and still do.  I have an incurable skin disease called psoriasis.  Basically, my body’s immune system always thinks I’m injured or sick.  So, it’s working in overdrive.   As a kid I was teased and called a monster due to how I looked.  I even got death threats.  I remember my parents even got child protective services called on them because other parents though that I was abused due to how my skin looked.

What is your favorite part about being a Powerlifter? Let’s kill the day old saying “Lifting weights makes women look bulky”, tell us your thoughts on that saying.

TT: My favorite part about being a powerlifter has got to be how empowering it makes me feel. I love pushing myself to the limit to see what I’m capable of.  It also gives you so much confidence in yourself.  Because every time you pick up more weight then you ever have before, you know YOU worked hard to accomplish that!

If lifting weights make you “bulky” then I’m doing it wrong. I’ve found it’s done the exact opposite.  I’ve gained almost 10lbs and I’m leaner than ever! I was a size 5 and now I’m a size 0-2.  No girl gets that super bulky (manly) look naturally.  Our bodies aren’t built like that.  Those super big muscular girls you see, are taking something to help them get that way.  Unless they are some genetic anomaly.

There is a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way and social media can play a big part in this. What would you say to young women who look at your photos and feel inferior about themselves?

TT:  I sincerely hope no girl feels inferior about themselves from my photos.  This is one reason I don’t use photoshop or alter my photos. I want to make sure everything on my page is real. I try to make it obviously I didn’t just wake up like this.   I watch what I eat, I get my butt in the gym at least 4 times a week and I work hard. It’s your body.  If YOU are happy with how you look, that’s all that matters. If you don’t like how you look, love yourself enough to make a change. Confidence is the most attractive thing!  Owe you!

How do you find balance in between work, personal training, and life?

TT: I won’t lie. It’s not easy.  I work a full time office job, go to the gym, spending quality time with my husband, manage my social media account, take care of my mini zoo, and spend with friends.  But if it’s something you genuinely enjoy doing, you’ll find the time.  I highly recommend keeping a calendar!

How would you describe your philosophy on health and fitness?

TT:  People seem to think they just because you’re fit automatically means you’re healthy.  Not the case.  I know plenty of fit people who are VERY unhealthy.   Your health should always come first.

Who or what gives you the most inspiration?

TT: My three dogs. I want to be the person they think I am.  And be able to give them the life they deserve.

To someone just getting started looking to live a healthier lifestyle and incorporate fitness, what would your advice to them be?

TT:  Take it slow.  You don’t have to go 0 to 100 overnights.  Habits take time.  If you improve a little each day, that’s all that matters.  Set 2 types of goals. Small quickly achievable ones along the way to your major large-scale goal.  This will help keep you motivated!  You’re going to have setbacks, there are going to be times that you ask yourself if it worth it.   But just remember you started for a reason!

If you’re not in the Gym Powerlifting, where are you?

TT: I’m either at work, spending time with my pups, or watching anime or playing video games with my hubby.

General words of wisdom you live by…

TT: You’ll never make everyone happy. So, don’t even try.  It’s not your job to make someone else happy.  It’s your job to make YOU happy.

Don’t worry about what the guy next to you is lifting in the gym.  Everyone lifts heavy!

If you could have a collaboration through social media with any brand, who would you pick and why?

TT: At the moment it would be @tilyoucollapse. I love their brand and what they stand for.  Give 100% to everything you do. And push yourself until you achieve your goals.

How do you stay full of energy throughout the day?

TT: I think it’s because I truly enjoy what I do.  I love working out, spending time with my husband and pups, talking to my followers on Instagram, I love helping people.  And caffeine lol!

Any last words?

TT: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.  There is no dumb question.  Everyone starts somewhere!  I would be happy to talk about health, fitness, or lifting with you!  Just send me a DM!


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