When I expanded into the wine industry, I never dreamed I would meet so many fascinating people. Each influencer has a unique perspective on what it means to provide joy to others through the simple act of sharing a glass of wine. Today’s interview we had the pleasure of speaking with Cecily aka @Youhadmeabordeaux as shes known on Instagram.

How did you get started in the world of wine?

CG: I was fortunate enough to grow up in a vineyard, and when I was young, my parents started their own winery. I have been lucky to be surrounded by the business my whole life.

Why did you start your Instagram account?

CG: It started as a creative project to share my passion for wine, and quickly grew form there!

What’s your most memorable wine experience so far?

CG: Going to Bordeaux and having the opportunity to taste at some of the first growth chateaus was incredible, Saint-Émilion blew me away.

Who is inspiring you right now, whether it be brands or individuals?

CG: My parents are a constant source of inspiration for me. They work so hard for their passion, and have taught me so much about the world of wine and what it means to run a successful family owned business.

What advice do you give wineries & wine lovers getting started on Instagram?

CG: It is really important to be genuine on social media. People want to follow people they feel they can connect with and trust; that is, after all, the point of “social” media. Making authentic connections with your followers and with like-minded people on Instagram is key.

What have been your keys to success?

CG: Consistency is key. Whether it be posting regularly, sticking to an aesthetic, maintaining relationships, or staying focused on your chosen niche, it is important to be consistent.

General words you live by?

CG: I really like the quote “Be fearless in your pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” I am constantly learning and growing in the word of wine. There is so much to learn, and that can be daunting. I have to remind myself that it’s OK to start small, and to not be afraid of what I don’t know. It is OK to ask questions, to take a shot in the dark for what aromas you may pick up (even if you’re completely wrong), to open that bottle of wine you may not recognize. Don’t be afraid to take risks and to be vulnerable, in an effort to get better and learn more. “Life’s too short to drink bad wine” isn’t bad advice, either. 😉

Tell me about a time when you really impacted someone’s life with your social media content.  What was the result?  

CG: I recently did a giveaway for a set of Riedel glasses, and they ended up going to a woman studying for her WSET Level 2. She was so excited to study with her new glassware set! It was a lot of fun to be a small part of the advancement of someone’s wine education.

Do you see yourself as an “influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you? 

CG: I feel very privileged to be able to share my passion with such a  wide audience. I am proud of the trust I have built with my audience; it is the coolest thing when people ask for my opinion and take my advice and recommendations on something I care so much about. It is awesome to be able to express my passion with such great reach in a creative way.


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