Get to know Victoria Vee or as shes known on Instagram @hellovee93. Full fun interview below.

Who is Victoria Vee?

VV: Victoria Vee is a French and Vietnamese model and a real estate agent born in Germany, raised in Poland and currently living in Los Angeles.

How did you develop an interest in fashion, beauty, and travel respectively?  

VV: I was this young child growing up in the small country of Poland and I would always watch TV and read magazines from all over the world and get immersed in the glamourous beauty and fashion world.

My love for travel and adventure I believe has stemmed from being fortunate to be able to live in different countries and experience a lot of different cultures since I was small.

My curiosity has led me to learn 5 different languages and eventually settling in Los Angeles.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced while traveling?

VV: I think the biggest challenge for me while traveling is the sadness that lingers after your vacation has ended and of course jetlag.

What do you think is unique about your audience and the way that you engage with them?

VV: I love being able to read and reply to the comments left by my audience. It’s very encouraging and sometimes eye opening.

How do you decide which brands to partner with, and how do you ensure that your fans are receptive to sponsored content?  

VV: What’s most important for me in choosing which brands to represent is whether I believe in the product and actually would use it myself.

I think fans would be more receptive if you truly like the product and know what you’re talking about.

Being part of an industry whose only emphasis is on the outside characteristics of a person, how have you stayed grounded?

VV: I always make sure to stay true to myself and not gets swayed by negativity. I don’t let anything get to my head and focus on the grind.

The way I see it, there is always going to be someone younger, prettier, more talented, but there is only one of me, so I should strive to be the best version I can be.

You’ve worked as a model. What is the most annoying and most enticing aspect of this work?  

VV: I love modeling and I feel very blessed to be able to be in this field. There are many enticing aspects of this kind of work. It is definitely not boring and I love that I am able to get into different characters and show a creative side of me.

Being able to work with so many different types of people pursuing the same dream is amazing. I really don’t have much complaints but I guess if I were to nitpick it would be the random schedule and the pressure to stay fit.

What are your three favorite trends at this moment?

VV: Tik Tok app. I think the videos people make on there are hilarious.

Kpop music and fashion.

Fitness trends.

Where do you hope your Instagram journey takes you? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Anything we should be on the lookout for?

VV: Instagram is my creative outlet and I wouldn’t mind if it didn’t take me anywhere. I’m doing this for myself and to connect with people.

This upcoming New Year I might venture out and start a new career path in design so please be on a lookout for a new hot lingerie line 😉

What’s the most overrated part of working in Social media?

VV: I think the bad part of Social media is the spam DM’s I get.

Best moment/memory of 2019?

VV: My best memory of 2019 has to be the beautiful Bali trip I was able to go on for modeling work.


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