There are so many wonderful Beer-fluencers on Instagram that we are very fortunate to speak to them about this great and creative industry. Lizzy aka @Brew.babe is no exception. She has a loyal following of fans and supporters who simply love her as well as beer.

We used to think that the Whisky industry was a close-knit family, but I am learning every day that the great women on beer really support each other. These ladies really hold it down for the beer aficionado. It’s an amazing thing to see. So without further ado check out @Brew.Babes interview.

Why did you start Brew.Babe on Instagram? Is Brew.Babe a full-time gig or on the side project?

L: I created @brew.babe with the hopes of just having a little photo album of my beer endeavors. I started doing beer reviews, partnering with craft beer apparel companies, and even worked for local breweries. It began as a side project which eventually grew and started taking more time. I am now focusing full time on the blog and working on future projects to bring out to those in the craft beer community.

We’d love to hear about how your passion for beer came about?

L: Once the first World of Beer opened up in my city back in 2010-2011, that was it. I started researching, learning, and trying all types of beers. It’s been one tasty learning experience since

What do you think is the most important quality for the influencer to possess?

L: I’d say likeability and authenticity. An influencer has to be able to grab their audience’s attention and be genuine. Whether you’re trying to sell or support something, it is important to deliver with efficiency and be straight forward

What advice would you give craft beer distilleries or beer companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brand’s image? 

L: To get more involved on the Instagram platform. It is a great tool to use for businesses! Doing things like interacting with those who support them, doing collaborations, and partnering up with influencers can easily help introduce the brand to new people

What is your stance on influencers being paid to post about brands? Should influencers be transparent regarding payment for posts?

L: I believe its an amazing opportunity for many. A lot of people don’t understand the hard work and amount of hours running an influencer account can be. There are tons of strategies behind every post. It is nice to know that it can turn into a full-time job. That being said, transparency is very important as it goes hand in hand with authenticity

How do you think the rise of influencer accounts on Instagram has impacted on the way that people discover restaurants/beers/bars/food?

L: The food and beverage industry is winning with this platform and method of advertising. It gives you a genuine preview of what your experience will be. Recently I’ve met a lot of new people who are food influencers and I love that I can get to find out about every deal, every new menu item, special releases, festivals that are happening in my area, and even speakeasies

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential for success?

L: In the world of an influencer, honesty is key. People want real, raw footage, bloopers, live feed, a real honest opinion. Someone to tell them, or to warn them, someone to show them, or someone to inspire them

Do you get approached by a lot of brands that want you to promote their products? What is your protocol for dealing with those offers? 

L: I don’t get approached as much as a fashion blogger would, but I do get a fair amount of emails, offers from other breweries, event companies, apparel companies, etc… However, I don’t accept every deal or offer. I only agree with what I think is relevant to my content and what I like. If I’m not impressed, I will not post it. That’s where authenticity and honesty play their role

What do you wish brands knew before approaching you on Instagram?

L: The majority of the brands that have reached out to me have been very professional and efficient. Some have bad shipping timing. I wish they knew how hard it can be to publish their featured post within days of receiving their product

On a personal note, what are some of the most important things in your life?

L: My family above all. Because of them, I do everything I do. My friends are also very important to me. They’re always there when I need them. Last but not least, health. It’s very important to try to stay healthy. Especially in the food and beverage industry!


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