There is a term being thrown around ‘micro-influencer’. What exactly does it mean and how can companies big and small capitalize in the ever-growing social media growth spurt. Find out that and more in our interview with Ashley of @BlondeBrewReviews.
Ashley we like to kick things off with you telling us a little about yourself. Give us a little background on how the “BlondeBrewReviews” came about.
AG: Well, I was born and raised here in Orlando, Florida. I have lived here my whole life! It’s been somewhat unique being a Florida native. Most people who live here aren’t from here. In school, I was always a strong writer. I also always wanted to start a blog but never found the right fit for it. One day, drinking a beer with a friend, I decided to start one—about beer! That’s it.
Why did you start BlondeBrewReviews on Instagram?
AG: I’ve always loved Instagram’s platform and its ease of use. I have also loved taking pictures and dabbled in photography for a short while. Instagram is the perfect mix of all of these things! It’s my favorite app for social media as well.
We’d love to hear about how your passion for beer came about?
AG: It’s pretty simple—it all started with a Kona Big Wave. I grew tired of drinking the typical domestics and wanted something different. That Big Wave was the gateway to craft beer. Once I opened that bottle, I never looked back! Eventually, I began meeting my family every Tuesday for tacos at our local World of Beer. Each week I expanded my list of beers and the thirst for new brews grew!
What do you think is the most important quality for the influencer to possess?
AG: I think it is very important to be yourself. I am true to my roots and I try to harness that with everything I do. I never want to come across fake or commercial. Authenticity is key!
What advice would you give craft beer distilleries or beer companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brand’s image?
AG: think breweries and alcohol companies alike should interact with their fans. Share peoples’ photos and respond to comments! It’s also a good idea to collaborate and interact with influencers who love their brand. Networking can take you a long way, and I think Instagram is a great platform for that. Connect with your influencers! The passionate ones want nothing more than to share their favorite products with the world. What is a better way to market and share your products than to connect with people who consider your products to be their absolute favorite?
What is your stance on influencers being paid to post about brands? Should influencers be transparent regarding payment for posts?
AG: I think it’s fantastic that influencers have that opportunity to essentially get paid for what they love to share and do. In doing so, I think it is still important for people to disclose that information. Being transparent is part of being authentic.
How do you think the rise of influencer accounts on Instagram has impacted on the way that people discover restaurants/beers/bars/food?
AG: Influencers give you a closer look into their world, which can share much more than typing in “restaurants” on your map app on your phone. Influencers provide an inside look and a different perspective unlike a general hashtag or homepage to business ever will. Influencers are all unique! They play an important role in the discovery of small businesses and local places. Whenever you are doing travel research, it’s easier to find an influencer who shares small, local places where they are visiting or where they live. It is a lot harder to find one small business venue in a specific place that you are traveling to. Influencers also give a much more detailed insight from their own point of view, providing a reader with their own unique experience that is unlike any other!
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential for success?
AG: Again, I really think authenticity is key. It is easy to tell who is genuine and passionate about the things they promote or represent and who looks like they are on the shopping network on TV.
Do you get approached by a lot of brands that want you to promote their products? What is your protocol for dealing with those offers?
AG: I don’t feel like I see a lot of that with the beer industry, and that could be for a lot of reasons (laws and regulations, mostly). In comparison to the beauty and makeup industry, we aren’t drowning in offers. But there are some! I also like to test out products that I like. If I don’t like it, I don’t really want to post about it on my page. This is not because the product or brand is “bad,”, but more so, it is just not my cup of tea. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean someone else won’t!
What do you wish brands knew before approaching you on Instagram?
AG: I wish brands knew that it takes time to test out products and serve up some good content. Taking a photo, finding the perfect one, editing the photo, writing a caption, tagging all the essential hashtags, posting it, and interacting with my followers TAKES TIME. I try very hard to stay connected with my followers and produce great content, all while remaining authentic and trying to put my very best foot forward!
On a personal note, what are some of the most important things in your life?
AG: The most important things in life are my friends, family, time, and health. These always needs to come first. I will always make sure I am spending time with friends and family. This is why I consider my time to be so valuable. I realize life is short and I do not want to spend my years having missed out on special moments with the people I love. I also can’t put my best self forward if my health is in a bad place. You absolutely must take care of yourself, mentally and physically!
Anything else you’d like to share with the readers?
AG: If you are thinking of starting a blog, vlog, website, social media page, Facebook group, or anything… DO IT! Don’t be afraid to start! Don’t worry about what anyone thinks. Everything will fall into place. Life is too short to skip over things that you’re dying to try. They always say you should follow your dreams, and though that is so cliche, it’s true. Do what makes you happy and start your project today!